Jaime Dominguez

President & CEO

My name is Jaime Dominguez and I am the Owner and President of JD Painting & Decorating Inc. My dad was a painter and I grew up surrounded by people within the industry. I’ve had the privilege of being part of this company since my father started it in 1989 and have been groomed and mentored by the best in the trade. It is with great honor and gratitude that I am able to hold this leadership position and continue this legacy and further expand on the solid foundation and structure that was built by my father. One of the challenges we’ve had in growing over the years and being spread out among the various islands, was being consistent in what and how we do things.

We have strategically incorporated corporate type systems while maintaining heartfelt infrastructure of family and compassion to both our employees and clients. I look forward to the opportunities which lie ahead and look to build and lead our team to a fulfilled and enriched life. One in which they are able to be the best that they can be, provided for their families, help our community and have a purposeful life. No matter where we are today, we are blessed with the opportunity to be able to push forward and Finish Well.

I look forward to strengthening our existing client relationships and establishing partnerships with new ones by continually learning what their specific needs are. In addition to working, I find great joy in spending time with my amazing wife and raising our two sons. Also like to sneak in some golf whenever possible.